Hospital Policies
Do you take walk-ins?
Do you take Pet Insurance?
Can I bring unused medication to you for disposal or refund?
Do you take Care-Credit?
Can I set up a payment plan?
Do you work with online pet pharmacies such as 1-800PetMeds? Be sure as you place your on-line order to place it in the name of the same person as listed on the original prescription you are provided. This is the primary account holder in our system. If the names on your on-line order and your written prescription do not match, your order will likely be denied.
Can someone on your staff pet-sit?
Recommended Care
What vaccines do your doctors recommend?
Are Solensia and Librela Safe? Media coverage has reported neurologic side effects from Librela like ataxia (stumbling, trouble walking) and seizures. As with all drugs, there is a risk for adverse side effects. We encourage you to discuss possible side effects with us as well as read the product insert (which can be found at for all possible side effects. Though Librela is newer to the US, it has been used in Europe for 4 years (came to market February 2021). It has been shown to be both safe and efficacious. The side effect incidence for both Librela and Solensia is low, with 0.18% reported for Librela and 0.3% for Solensia*. Reported side effects like ataxia are rare (1-10 reports in 10,000 dogs treated to date). This is a very low chance of any adverse effects. If your pet experiences a possible side effect from Librela or Solensia we encourage you to let us know as well as Zoetis and/or the FDA. Zoetis is required to report adverse side effects to the FDA and you can as well by calling 888-963-8471 or We are here to discuss your concerns and weigh the benefits for your pet’s vs the risk of possible adverse effects. We want to provide your pets with the best quality of life we can! Remember that we are usually giving these drugs to older pets, who are at increased risk of having other co-morbidities and diseases. We do believe in the safety and efficacy of these drugs and that they can improve your pets’ quality of life. Sincerely, The Doctors at Ansley Animal Clinic *As of March 2024
Why should I spay or neuter my pet? In addition, intact females are more at risk for breast cancer, ovarian and uterine cancer. Some common myths you may have heard are that spaying and neutering causes laziness, reduced protective instincts, delayed maturity or alter their personality.
Why does my pet need a dental cleaning? Dental disease can cause tooth loss, pain during chewing and lead to more serious disease. At your pet’s annual exam the doctor will check the teeth and tell you if it is time to schedule a cleaning.
Does my pet need flea or heartworm prevention in the winter? If your pet is on a preventative product we do not stock in our office, you will likely be able to find it on our online store to have shipped directly to your house.
Should I microchip my pet? In addition, we can scan other microchip brands to help reunite owners with their lost pets. If you’ve found a stray or lost pet, bring it to Ansley and have us scan the pet at no charge. If we find a chip number on a pet we call PetLink, give them the number and they give us the client information that is registered to that pet. We then contact the owner to pick up the pet. IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to register your pets’ microchip with your information and update address and phone number if it ever changes. If the chip company does not have the correct information it is impossible for us to reunite pet and owner. If your pet was microchipped at Ansley Animal Clinic, you can register your pets’ microchip here.
Should I give my dog bones or antlers for chewing?
What are Soft Paws?
General Inquiries
Where should I bring my pet in case of an emergency after hours?
Do you see any pets other than Cats or Dogs?
Do you see injured birds or wildlife?
Do you recommend any boarding facilities?
Do you recommend any pet-sitters?
Do you recommend any grooming facilities?
Do you recommend any trainers?